A STEAM & NATURE BASED Spanish Bilingual Program



STEAM Learning

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and math. Our program integrates each of these topics into the early childhood classroom in a fun and interactive way.


Dual-Language Preschool

Our dual-language immersion program is taught by native speakers that are fully bilingual in both Spanish and English.


Social-Emotional Focus

Our program focuses on the social and emotional needs of children while encouraging empathy and helping others

Our Vision

Our vision is for our little ones to learn in an enriching environment full of hands on activities that fulfill their learning and full potential.



At Dream Big Little One, our program is designed for children to build their knowledge, inquiries, and understanding of how things work through hands-on activities and explorations through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). We believe that children are active adventurers and explorers in their learning within their environment; that is the reason we have an emergent curriculum where they will learn about the world that surrounds them based on their own interests. Our approach is focused on a child-centered curriculum that is inspiring and nurturing where discoveries and creative play can take place. Our outdoor learning and inquiry takes place through explorations of the environment. Through the daily routines, children will engage in different activities, develop their social-emotional interactions, problem-solve, and develop self-regulation and conflict-resolution skills.

We are inspired by STEAM curriculum to encourage the children to develop their critical thinking and logical reasoning by providing open-ended questions and conversations to expand their curiosity about how things work. We want children in our program to feel confident and be active participants in their own learning. The children and teachers work together in the learning process. We strongly believe that the environment acts as the third teacher. Our Program is designed to meet the children's social, emotional, physical, and cognitive needs. We model love and respect for one another and the environment, and create a space for learning at the children's unique pace.

We value strong parent partnerships as it is an essential part in the child’s learning. We believe that working as a team creates and maintains a positive relationship that will benefit the child to their full potential. Parent partnership is an important part of connecting home and school. Our goal is to ensure families that their child is in a safe environment while at school.

- Isiris Piedra, Program Director


Keep their growing minds engaged